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How to use Spy Cameras at Home?


Table clock camera

If you think Spy cameras such as Keychain Camera, Super Pen Camera, Dynamo Pen Camera, Hidden Socket Camera, Pen Drive Camera, Mini DV Recorder, Button Camera, Spy Camera Glasses, Wrist Watch Camera, Table Clock Camera etc. are only meant for Spies or Undercover agents, then you are far from being right. Spy cameras have multiple domestic uses.

We live in combustible, unreliable times.  Though it is good to be trustworthy, it is even better to be cautionary. As they say, Trust God but lock your car well. In the same way, it is fine to let outsiders in your space but try to be more vigilant and safe, especially if you are a mother.

Spy Cameras help when background checks do not

The tiny innocent unknowing life depends upon you for its safety and protection. If you are a working mother, it could be heart-wrenching for you to leave your child behind with a stranger to take care for him/her. Your child is at the total mercy of this stranger. No matter how many background checks you carry out; irrespective of the fact that you have filed her contacts at the local police station, or that you know her previous employee – you can never be sure. The most frightening aspect is that the goods lost maybe recovered but harm done to your loved one cannot be reversed.


Hidden Cameras help detect carelessness & indifference

Even if the subject in question maybe far from criminal intent, mere laziness, carelessness or general apathy may prevent the caretaker from taking proper care of your child. However, with the advent of spy camera in the market you can rest assured. The range of Spy Cameras will help you to monitor the caretaker’s activities closely. There are a range of cameras available such as table clock camera, spy pen camera and socket camera that may help you to carry this out. Forgetting to feed the child on time, not attending to your child’s cries, not changing the nappy or not feeding the child enough water are just some of the instances that may prove detrimental to your child’s health. Sometimes the nanny or the help are tired or engrossed in their own troubles thus neglecting the needs of the child but it is your child who shall suffer as a result. Thus, as a loving mother it is your job to ensure that technology available in the form of pinhole cameras maybe employed efficiently and guarantee your child’s wellbeing and safety.


CCTV Cameras and Hidden Cameras to keep watch over House help

Doesn’t it become difficult to handle a number of house help you have hired? Plus, there are so many strangers, vendors, technicians coming to your residence for various work? How then do you ensure safety, especially if yours is a nuclear family with not many family members living with you.

Not all people are bad at heart and evil may not be inherent in them. However, circumstances compel people to choose a wrong path. And, it isn’t about others anyway. The question is how much in control are you? Do you know each and everything that transpires under your roof? Are you able to keep a tab on on-goings amidst your four walls?
Do things remain in order in your absence? To make certain you have all the reins in your hands and you are juggling all the balls without dropping them, install CCTV camera in your residence, at the entrance, in the terrace or balcony, in the garden, in the living room,  in the kitchen…wherever you want to keep a watch.

You may also keep a spy pen camera in the pen holder at a strategic location. Or you may fix a socket camera where maximum visibility is available. Alternatively you can place a digital alarm clock with spy camera on a side-table or on a shelf.

To help you – whether you are a homemaker, a working woman or a mother, Anand India has brought for you a range of spy cams. So now do not take chances. Be safe, be cautious. Use Dynamo CCTV camera or any of our Spy gadgets in order to fortify your home.  Find a range of options at http://anandindia.in/