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Features of A Great Helmet Camera


It is a great thing to have a motorcycle. With it, you can traverse the world; go wherever you want without many problem. If you are an adventurous type of a rider, then you definitely need something more fun, like a helmet-mounted camera to capture every moment of your riding expedition.

First introduced in the 1980’s, helmet cameras were quite bulky and mostly used to record a first-person perspective in sports and adventure activities. These cameras have since evolved with advances in technology to become more sophisticated, with amazing capabilities. However, there are so many brands and models in the market that it can be quite challenging to choose the ideal one. Thus, this article outlines some of the main features you should look for when shopping for a helmet camera.


Weight and Size

Weight and size usually go hand-in-hand. With the miniaturization that has occurred across the field of technology, larger cameras are heavier. In that regard, consider going for the smallest camera so that you can have the least amount of weight interference when using it. However, you should keep in mind the other functional features of the camera, ensuring that the quality of your pictures is never compromised.


Many cameras today offer 1080P (1920×1080 pixels) resolution. If the camera supports 25-30 frames per second, then you will have full HD recording. If you go for anything less than 720P (1280×720 pixels), you may not get the resolution you need, especially if you want to capture finer details of an object, like the number plate of a vehicle a few metres ahead of you.

Something else to pay keen attention to is the lens of your preferred device as cheap devices will certainly have cheap lenses. These will probably not be as clear and won’t provide a good field of view. Go for a device that offers at least 130–140 degrees of vision. This is to ensure that the camera is seeing almost what you’re seeing in front of the motorbike.

The Type of Riding You Mostly Do

If you mostly ride at night, then you should consider getting a camera that has either exceptional night vision or uses infrared to record.

Furthermore, if you usually ride long trips, you may consider a camera that can record for long duration. There are cameras that only record short loops. You may also need to buy a larger-capacity memory card.

How Will You Mount The Device?

Some cameras, like Sena Prism, come with their own mount, which makes things easy for you. Other cameras, however, do not come with a mount, and you’ll have to buy one separately to suit your needs, which means more spending.

Ease of Use

When it comes to buying a helmet camera, you should ensure that your preferred model is ready for use when unboxed. Some camera models require extra accessories, which will definitely cost you more money. Consider going for a model, like Sena 10C that comes complete and ready to use.


Today, there are numerous models and brands of helmet cameras, with some having extra features such as Bluetooth’s connectivity, intercom systems, and GPS enabled. Thus, when shopping for a helmet camera, make sure you review the different features of various cameras to choose the best suits your needs. Sena 10C and Sena Prism, which can be found at PumaTech , are some of the most advanced motorcycle helmet cameras available in the market today.