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Big data – Fuel for Accelerating the Pace of Philanthropy


Similar to big IT giants, the non-profits are also fast becoming a part of the Big Data revolution. These organizations use it for better targeting the donors and needy people. Moreover, the donors and policymakers can ensure accountability and transparency of the non-profits by making careful analysis of Big Data.  

Nonprofits often use Big Data for developing new events, initiatives and strategy for social reform. They collect data from affected remote areas and analyze it to prevent the future mishaps. In this manner, the Big Data is quite helpful hand of nonprofits for pacing up the speed of social welfares.

Reality Check About the Use of Big data in Nonprofit Organizations

As the idiom says ‘distant drums sound well’ i.e.when see things from a distance everything seems perfect to us. Thereality of use of Big Data in non-profits is same. Current studies indicate that the nonprofits are just piling up data, which is of no use. The data without analysis is a waste. The scale of data creation is increasing at an exponential rate which is much faster than the ability of nonprofits to analyze it. Actually, these organizations do not have the required equipment, funding and skilled human resource for proper analysis and processing of data to derive the important insights. At some places, Big Data has solved many problems like proper predictions about the natural disasters but in some cases like human trafficking or education, NGO’s have not been able to make the most of the critical Big Data.

 Actual Challenges in the way of Nonprofits

Some of the biggest challenges that the nonprofits are facing in truly adopting and implementing big data in their work include:-

  • The data in most of the organization is buried in administrative systems, which is quite difficult to pull out.
  • Lack of appropriate data governance standards that often lead to large inconsistencies.
  • The growth rate of data is quite high as compared to the analysis rate.
  • Lack of required investment, awareness and talent to analyze the data for desired outcome.
  • Due to privacy and confidentiality of data, the non-profits are not getting the authority to access the data.

Steps To Be Taken To Fill the Loopholes

Following essential steps should be taken to increase the scope of Big Data in future for philanthropy:

  • Government should provide the necessary financial aid to nonprofits for proper analysis of data.
  • Every citizen should understand their responsibility in public reforms, they must help the nonprofits for better and faster results.
  • Students and analysts should also give their valuable contributions in common interest. They play an important role in handling various components of data analysis such as data organization, search & retrieval, visualization, use and preservation.
  • Promotion of virtual experimentation platforms is required for the collaboration and sharing of ideas among various parts of society.


Further scope of big data after taking corrective measures 

After getting rid of the loopholes, nonprofits can expect the following advantages and value addition to social reforms:

➢       It can improve the way of decision making on various sensitive issues.

➢       It can help in better monitoring and assessment of several programs and policies.

➢       It can result in more targeted and focused actions to maximize their impact.

➢       It can include the citizens to play vital role in social welfare and move towards a single goal of common interest. 


The need of the hour is to take the more & more proactive steps in a positive direction so that the nonprofits can derive maximum from Big Data technology. It will automatically speed up the pace of philanthropy and generate more reforms.